Company Introduction



Create a valuable future with IT
Based on IT know-how and technology in all industries, including retail, manufacturing, logistics, finance and healthcare We will create a smart world by combining cutting-edge technologies such as AI, Bigdata, IoT, and Cloud.
Based on IT know-how and technology in all industries, including retail, manufacturing, logistics, finance and healthcare We will create a smart world by combining cutting-edge technologies such as AI, Bigdata, IoT, and Cloud.
  • 설립일 1996년12월28일 설립일 1996년12월28일
  • 매출액 9300억(2021년) 매출액 9300억(2021년)
  • 직원수 2920명 직원수 2920명
  • 해외거점 3개국 4거점 진출 해외거점 3개국 4거점 진출
롯데정보통신 전경 사진

Focusing ON

  • Platform & Service
    Platform & Services 썸네일 Platform & Services 썸네일
    We lead business innovation for our customers by providing differentiated IT platforms and services for all industries, including food, retail, customer service, and chemicals.
  • Next Tech
    Next Technologies 썸네일 Next Technologies 썸네일
    We use the core technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to transform our customers’ businesses.
  • Global
    Global 썸네일 Global 썸네일
    Strengthen our customers' competitiveness by providing proven IT solutions and services for 20+ years in the global market.