Digital Transformation


Transform your business and increase productivity with the latest digital technologies
for the intelligent enterprise.

Smart Logistics

Vehicle Control System

Establish optimized delivery plans
to boost service quality
Presenting a smart way to reduce logistics costs
while providing fast and accurate delivery services.
차량관제시스템 소개 차량관제시스템 소개
차량관제시스템 소개 상세설명

Fares, statistics, accident prevention, path optimization, etc.
Supporting efficient operations based on real-time data

  • 운송 관리

    Transport management
    Real-time fuel consumption, position and temperature control
  • 운임 계산 / 정산

    Fare calculation / settlement
    Fare lookup and fuel cost calculations
    by path, etc.
  • 지표 / 통계 관리

    Indicators / statistics management
    Driving indicators, vehicle and center KPIs and energy statistics management
  • 사고 예방 / 추적

    Accident prevention / tracking
    Vehicle operation history management, accident follow-up management and accident prevention
  • 클라우드 기반 서비스

    Cloud-based services
    Cost savings for initial system implementation and operation/maintenance
  • 경험 기반 최적 경로 제안

    Optimum path proposed based on experience
    Uses machine learning to suggest delivery paths according to purpose and environment

Applications across numerous industries
manufacturing, transport, distribution, etc.

  • Distribution

    Logistics center delivery path

    유통 유통

  • Logistics

    Mobile vehicle control system

    물류 물류

  • Manufacturing

    Transport and delivery path optimization

    제조 제조

Any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to post your questions.
We’ll do our best to reply as soon as possible.