Digital Transformation


Transform your business and increase productivity with the latest digital technologies
for the intelligent enterprise.

Smart Logistics

Vision picking

Digitization of logistics management
to boost productivity
Smart Glasses enable the identification of key information such as product location, order volume, position tracking and receipt/release management without having to scan bar codes individually,
freeing up the worker’s hands and helping to improve work speed.
AR 비전 피킹 소개 AR 비전 피킹 소개
물류 BPO 플랫폼 소개 상세설명
AR 비전 피킹 소개 AR 비전 피킹 소개
물류 BPO 플랫폼 소개 상세설명
  • 생산성 및 효율성 극대화

    Maximum productivity and efficiency
    Optimized solution through the utilization of wearable devices
  • 정확도 향상

    Improved accuracy
    Real-time information provided to minimize work errors
  • 비용 절감

    Cost savings
    Operation at costs lower than automated facilities implementation

The No.1 smart logistics solution with applications
in various distribution channels

  • LOTTE Duty Free Store

    롯데 면세점 썸네일

  • LOTTE Global Logistics

    롯데 글로벌 로지스 썸네일

  • LOTTE Super

    롯데 슈퍼 썸네일

  • LOTTE Duty Free Store

    롯데 면세점 썸네일

  • LOTTE Global Logis

    롯데 글로벌 로지스 썸네일

  • LOTTE Super

    롯데 슈퍼 썸네일

Any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to post your questions.
We’ll do our best to reply as soon as possible.