Digital Transformation


Transform your business and increase productivity with the latest digital technologies
for the intelligent enterprise.

Smart Factory

Smart Factory (Consulting)

Providing you with optimized solutions
for smart factory implementation
based on connectivity, intelligence and virtualization.
Objective diagnostics/assessment on the level of digitization at the manufacturing site
based on customer business models, and tailored, step-wise consulting for a best-case proposal.

  • IT
    Management Layer
    - Data Lake(Big Data 분석) - EPR(기간계)
    Operation Layer
    - MES(생산/품질관리, 설비/에너지 관리) - S&OP(수요예측, 공급(생산)계획)
  • OT
    Control Layer
    - SCADA(실시간 현장 통합 관제)
    Connection Layer
    - DAS(현장 설비 데이터 수집)
  • AT
    Field Layer
    - Machinery (Equlpment, Utility, Robot) - Sensor & Field Instrument

Open new possibilities with our smart factory platform,
with applications across all industries.
We provide tried and tested solutions that are tailored to your business, by harnessing our know-how and experience in systems implementation spanning a range of industries, from distribution to food products and chemicals. Realize innovative production in your factories through AI and IoT-based production control!
  • Production optimization

    Highly accurate demand forecasting for effective production
    plan establishment and management

    생산 최적화 생산 최적화

  • Real-time monitoring

    Full visualization of the manufacturing process to support optimal decision-making and site control

    실시간 모니터링 실시간 모니터링

  • Intelligent manufacturing

    Failure forecasting and preemptive action to boost quality and reduce defect

    제조 지능화 제조 지능화

Choose the consulting services you want.

We provide a comprehensive smart factory service, from systematic level diagnostics to establishing, implementing and operating optimized plans.

  • 수준 진단 조직 구성 및 진단계획 > 현황 분석(IT/AT/OT 수준 진단, 요구 사항 도출, 선진사례, 지문, 경영현황 분석) > 목표 모델 정립(경영전략 반영, 구현 목적, 기대 목표 설정, 대상 및 범위, 일정 계획)
  • Master Plan 목표 모델 정립(세부 과제 정의, 실행 Roadmap 수립, 과제간 연관관계, 우선순위) > 투자 계획(과제별/연도별 예산, 구축 일정 수립) > 단계별 이행 계획(요구사항 분석/정의, 수행계획서 작성)
  • 구축 및 이행 분석/설계(Concept Design, Detailed Design) > 개발 및 구축(솔루션 적용, Customizing, 시스템간 연계) > 테스트/교육(단위/통합 테스트, 사용자 교육)
  • 운영 시스템(시운전/안정화, 운영 및 유지보수) + 비즈니스(조직 변경, 생산/영업 체계 변경) > 검증 및 성과분석

Any questions?
Please don’t hesitate to post your questions.
We’ll do our best to reply as soon as possible.

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